>Let’s Talk About Something Else…..My Flab.

>So, as it turns out – stress and grief and spoonfuls of Nutella have caught up to me, and I have gained weight. Crap. I had gotten down to 163 on Weight Watchers – (a 23 pound loss) – but the whole thing with my Dad obviously threw me off course.

I am not mad at myself though. I needed to just wallow and eat chocolate and sit around like a lump. I think I had a right to do that for a bit. Some huuuuuuge meals in restaurants, yea – I admit it – it made me feel good. And I needed to feel good.

It needs to stop now though. I am tired of wallowing, and I feel chubby.

No, I am not done grieving. I am still sad, and I still cry at odd times, and I still feel “off”. I guess that will last for a good long time. But I can’t use it as an excuse for unhealthy habits anymore. I am sure my Dad would not want me to do that…right?


Guess what? I am starting the 30 Day Shred again. Lawd have mercy!

That Jillian is a major whore. Satan in sweats. I hate her. I want to punch her in the uterus. She irritates me. But god bless her, cause I know she can whip my flabby muscles into submission. So here we go.

Hey, guess what else? I took pictures again, aren’t you excited? Complete with the scribbly black stuff over my head, cause Antony and CLEOPATRA, I am not looking so good lately. Plus, if I am going to post chubby pictures of myself in my grubbly saggy workout gear – I need to be at least SLIGHTLY incognito.
I am not taking measurements this time, I just don’t feel like it. I will just go by pictures, and hopefully my clothes starting to fit right. Hope hope hope.

I give you, Before. Day One. (actually Day 2, not that it matters)
Current weight 168. (Crap)


Hey, you know it is really me, cause you can see my new dragonfly tattooooooo. I will take pictures when I am done each Level. You are supposed to switch Level’s every 10 days, but I am guessing I will need a few more days on each Level cause HOLY HANNAH I am out of shape!! Day One nearly killed me, and my muscles were shrieking today for Day 2, but I went ahead and did it anyway – cursing the whole time. Man, I HATE WORKING OUT! I loathe it, I despise it – it sucks big time ass.

The End.


3 Responses to “>Let’s Talk About Something Else…..My Flab.”

  1. 1 MrsSpock June 3, 2010 at 1:43 am

    >Good Shredding to you! I am working out with Gilad on FitTV every afternoon M-F. And Biggest Loser weight workout 2x week. Jillian every day is impossible for me…

  2. 2 edenland June 3, 2010 at 6:33 am

    >You can totally punch Jillian in the uterus because she doesn't want kids because they'll wreck her figure so she doesn't want her uterus anyway.Also, ummmmm ……. you have a skinny little arse and skinny twigs for upper thighs!!! You look great anyway. I say, more power to Nutella.Love you mate.xoxoxoox

  3. 3 Photogrl June 3, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    >I love the scribbled face pics…they make me giggle!Jillian will kick your butt…but at least at home you can talk back to her! I know the 30 day shred will be coming out of retirement here, soon!

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